Sephora and You

Beauty Intelligence

Early adopters. Trailblazers. Trend setters. All Sephora beauty advisors started out as passionate customers. Beauty experts who—like you—spent precious hours testing products and methods, colours and styles. This passion for beauty, for helping people reveal their best selves, is what it takes to become a Sephora beauty advisor.

Personalities Not Just CVs

We think talent often exceeds qualifications, age, gender or background. That's why we look beyond your CV to discover who you really are. If you are a focused, creative individual. If you care about customers and are genuinely interested in skincare, makeup and more. If you show initiative, drive and daring. If you are energetic and have a positive outlook. If this is you, and you work happily in a team, then get in touch!

Join Our Team

Whether you're passionate about product, people, numbers or strategy, we have a place for you. Constantly improving ourselves is part of the Sephora culture—as a company, and as individuals. We invest heavily in our employees, with industry-leading training and fantastic perks for beauty advisors and head office staff.

Working at Sephora is more than just a job - a career with us will empower you to become an authority at what you do and inspire you to grow to what you want to be.

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Inside Sephora


We’re obsessed with teaching and inspiring our customers to play in our world of beauty. We stand by the pillars of our DNA - Amazing Beauty Selection, Freedom to Experience, Disruptive Spirit, a Fun Place to Learn—to provide meaningful careers to more than 33,000 team members around the world.

Amazing Beauty Selection
Sephora is all about the widest, largest beauty offer in the world - a dream team of selective and exclusive brands plus the ever-expanding SEPHORA COLLECTION.

Freedom to Experience
Sephora is a beauty playground. A place of freedom to test, try and experiment. A place to discover beauty and to inspire fearlessness. Our customers experience Sephora when, where and how they want.

Disruptive Spirit
Our story is one of trailblazing, taking risks and trying the untried. Sephora is bold and audacious, modernising traditional beauty categories, retail models and ways of thinking.

A Fun Place To Learn
When you step inside Sephora you enter an extraordinary world, a place where your heart beats faster and the possibilities beckon. Sephora is a great place to work for our staff—somewhere to learn whilst having fun.

A Beauty Community

It’s all about our clients. That’s where you come in, to guide her on her beauty journey. It takes energy and confidence and teamwork. It takes authentic passion…not just about product, but about making a client’s day through teaching, inspiring and playing—together. It takes skill, which Sephora goes above and beyond to instil in our associates through unparalleled training. You bring the passion, we’ll teach you everything you need to know.

That’s where Sephora University comes in. It’s where you’ll learn the “what” and “why” behind beauty and how you can embody the Sephora Attitude. We’re unbiased and unmatched in our training—and the learning never stops.